
My milk will go but our live & bond will grow ❤‍🩹

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeed for 6 months, & gradually introduce to appropriate foods after 6 months & continue breastfeeding till 2 years or beyond.
When is ideal time to wean?
The decision about when to wean baby is a personal one. Some follow child's lead & sometimes it's led by mothers.
I wanted to follow child led weaning so I started weaning when I felt he's ready for it.
Child led weaning -
Child led weaning is following your child's lead & signs for weaning off breastmilk. Every child shows some signs which helps mom to understand if their child is ready.
Child led weaning will also help you to avoid breast engorgement, blocked ducts & mastitis. The entire process of child led weaning is comparatively easy & less exhausting.
Why sudden weaning is not advisable?

1. Breastfeeding has a deep and lasting effect on thought and understanding, behavior, and mental health in children.
2. It lessen social and behavioral problems in both children and mother
3. It causes abrupt change in your baby's digestive and immune systems.
4. Research states children who are weaned abruptly throw more tantrums, are fussy & have difficult emotional transitions.
How to achieve Child led weaning?
1. Understand when your baby is ready to stop breastfeeding -

Dharm gradually started having less breastfeeds in a day & used nurse only to sleep.

The time span of the feed was also very less & that's when I felt to wean him off for afternoon nap.
2. Start slowly & reduce day feeds gradually by replacing with solids
3. Communication -

I started talking to him about weaning a week before I started weaning & explain your child why he needs to stop taking Mumma's milk for sleeping.

For day feeds I used to talk & make him sleep by my side. I explained him that he's big boy & doesn't need milk anymore to sleep.

We used to play some games like recognising body parts, colours, read books while sleeping which really helped.
4. Sleep talk -

Sleep talk works wonders for everything from potty training to sleep training to any behavioural change you want to achieve in your child.
5. Provide emotional support - I now spend more time than before after weaning him off. Breastfeeding is not about filling their stomach, it's about emotional attachment with mother so I try to give him that comfort
6. Understand your own emotion -

Your baby isn't the only one who has to adjust to weaning. Weaning is an emotional experience & a milestone which you and baby both have to achieve together. Talk about it to other breastfeeding moms who can relate to feel lighter.
Weaning during night

After a week of successfully weaning off from day naps I started with night.
How did I achieve it?

Communication! I explained him that younger kids need Mumma's milk for growth & development. He's big enough to walk and do many things which younger kids are yet to achieve so God has now taken Mumma's milk to give to Moms who have small kids.

I explained & showed him on various occasions how we give our old stuffs to needy people before weaning him & communicating this.
It took me 2 days to wean him in the night & we successfully achieved it on a happier note
However he used to get up in middle of the night & that's when sometimes I used to feed him & gradually reduced & stopped completely in next 4 weeks.

I offer water when he gets up, comfort him by patting & hugging.

Husband played a very important role in weaning him off from midnight feeds by taking him away and making him sleep on his shoulders & arms.

The nights where he cried for feed, I fed him because I didn't want to hurt and wean him. It's a process where he cooperated me a lot in weaning because I was too gentle in explaining and gave him time & comfort to adapt to this.

Weaning is a process which ideally should happen naturally but my health was giving up and I wanted to wean him off before he chose to do for himself.
Weaning is a big transition for kids, much much bigger than you think.
Giving them bottle to wean is not the solution, remember that to again wean them off bottle is an added task.
Some moms also prefer giving snacks or some sweets to divert their mind for breast milk but I was worried about the cavities & indigestion as he would sleep after eating.
They can't express through words how they feel & think like we do. Giving them the comfort & liberty to adapt through this gently will make this process smooth for the kid and mom.

I feel you Moms, I understand it's very tiring to breastfeed for so long & especially in the night but trust me it's just a matter of 1-1.5 months










Aswathi V

Beautifully written. Yes, the weaning process has to be as gentle as possible since it's also about emotional bond as you mentioned.




Deepika Hindi

Wonderful post




Bhakti Kotrani

Thank you Sonam and Samidha




sonam patel

Very well written




Samidha Mathur

This was an amazing post, Bhakti. I can completely understand how much weaning a child smoothly is a challenging task for every mother.


