I am a depressed mom. I have been depressed even during pregnancy. the cause of my depression is my husband and my mother in law. I want to be strong for my baby. I love him a lot and don't want my mental health to affect my baby. I feel helpless, totally spineless to not be able to confront either of them. I feel like I am sinking. my mother in law is all set to keep me away from my husband, and she plays with his mind and he too agrees. now I only have my son with me. I wanted to talk to someone unkown. I sorry for troubling with my unecessary rant.
Shweta Uchil
12 Apr 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
First of all, this was not an unnecessary rant at all. You just poured out your heart to a group of super supportive moms. Hugs to you girl!! Its easy to just give up, but then, you will never get out of this state. Bring out that supergirl in you! Be confident, wear that smile. Get your husband to sit down and communicate. Talk in non-blaming and positive terms. if possible try to get a counselling together. Also get busy with the baby. Get busy with some hobbies in your free time.. Try DIYs, they are pretty stress busting. And if you feel like talking to someone, we are all here....!!! Take care dear...
12 Apr 2017
manveen dua
life can be difficult. times like these are stressful. either you can succumb to the situation or work your way around it. try reading positive, inspirational stories. If you have access to a Reiki practicioner, do learn. it helped me beyond words and I'm sure it's healing will heal your pain. also try to be happy. your little one can feel you :)
12 Apr 2017
Charu Gujjal
Hey dear. I understand the phase is tough for you but cheer yourself up. You have an awesome reason to stay happy coming up. Once your baby will be there in your arms you will never forget to smile and all these issues will seem irrelevant then. Just try to picture about the happy days then and you will feel better now. Keep yourself busy with you older kid and ignore the world around you. Only you can control your situation by not letting it overpower you. Involve yourself in a good hobby, read some positive books and watch some happy movies. Babychakra Moms are always there for your support. Keep posting your rants/queries/experiences here and you would feel better and <u>much</u> lighter.
12 Apr 2017
sonam patel
have confidence on yourself . baby chakra moms are always there for you.. lots of love to you and your baby.. just try to b calm and talk to your hubby gently.. talk about your good times.. spend some quality time and talk about your baby's future.. although we all can just support you 🙁 I know it's hard for you.. but b strong and try your level best.. everything will b <u>fyn</u>
12 Apr 2017
Rhituparna Mitra
You can send me a message using the chat feature on BabyChakra. We can talk if you want.
Sheeba Vijesh
12 Apr 2017