I am overtired and hopeless now..my 12 months baby do not eat proper food..she is 95%on milk only..I have been waiting for months to happen..to make her eat well like other kids..I give up now..i have tried every texture/flavor. whole day she only eat half small katori food( fruit/curd/etc) nothing in this world making her eat..why the hell its happening with me? my face and body is completely ruined as of today time..I had no regret if my baby would have eaten well..she is active and fine touchwood. I'm really loosing my health also now. and what is wrong with baby chakra??? nobody replies expect 1 or 2 people max ....is this a supportive app anymore????
vk vk
28 Aug 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Check <b><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://app.babychakra.com/hashtag/weaningatarah"><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">weaningatarah</font></a></b> for more detailed information.
28 Aug 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Weaning is joyful and meal time has to happy time Anon, If you are going to sulk and be sad or show emotions on your face how will the baby eat? The first step to this is you not worrying and let the baby eat on its own. Let her spill, do face pack, put it down but give her the plate(Sorry she is 12 months no more bowl pls) you both have food together and do not see her ,just eat slowly in front of her chewing. Babies are like monkey see monkey do types. She will pick up the eating skills from you.
28 Aug 2019
sonam patel
Anon, if you are hopeless in just one year, I should die then... You need to relax first. I know it's tough... I have been there. And infact I am still facing. Some days are fasting days for us. Let the baby decide if she wants to eat... You just keep offering. Make the baby sit with you when you eat. Chew and show her. Make noises and eat. These things will create intrest. Best part is your baby is active so you shouldn't worry. And yes, take some time out for yourself. Go for a walk and let things just go... Spend that specific time with yourself. Trust me, your positivity will affect the baby in good way.
Hi dear anon. Breathe. Relax. I know how it feels. Once kids grow n start understanding things, they become fussy eaters. It is problematic for us because they refuse to eat anything. My daughter simply refuses to open her mouth when she is at our native. But here she eats whatever I give, there she doesn't want to touch her food at all... I have tried everything, but she doesn't budge. Finally, I gave up. She will eat when she is hungry... Something that worked for us was.. making her eat in a closed room with no disturbance. No one was allowed in when she was having food otherwise she would be distracted. We invented games that we played only during meal times. I involved her in helping me while cooking food, and telling stories about it. You can try n see if it helps you... Don't worry.
Rebecca Prakash
28 Aug 2019