I am starting work soon.. baby will be a little above 5 months.. Planning to take my baby and a nanny with me... It's just for 6 hours excluding 30 mins each of traveling while going and then coming back. Please give me tips on new baby food that can be taken to work in a tiffin.
And most importantly what finite should I keep in my office for my baby? A mattress to roll around in, a rocker/chair and what else. Please give me suggestions about a sweeping that I can place inside the office. It's spacious and doesn't have too much furniture. Just my table, chairs and a locker.
Meeth Srivastava
21 Feb 2018
Meeth Srivastava
Thank you everyone! Such helpful folks here! <br>
Will buy the bottle with the spoon at the end... Thank you again!
22 Feb 2018
Prashanthi srikanth
Keep fruits n vegetables with rice <u>k</u>
21 Feb 2018
Yogini Kandre
Agree with <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 </b></font>, and carry fruits, like banana and chikoo, carry baby's one to two toys, if your baby started crawling, then invest in good floor mat, so you can regularly wipe it with dettol
21 Feb 2018
Meeth Srivastava
Thank you so much!!!
21 Feb 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Hi Meeth
Foods the most important thing...<br>
Since you are just gonna wean I suggest you to carry soups in warmer. Any clear soups.<br>
Easy to carry weaning food is fruits n veggies puree.I suggest you buy a mee mee squeeze and eat spoon. All you have to do is fill those pouches with the purees, wen it's time to feed, jus open, squeeze, it comes through the spoon n that's it. Ready to feed. <br>
It's easy to use, carry n mess free very comfortable at work place.<br>
So if you are planning to carry top up feeds do so, introduce one food at a time, follow the three day rule. Don't force feed, feed on demand. <br>
As far as ur diaper bag requirements <br>
Carry plastic covers in the diaper bag to help you store the used towels, bibs etc.<br>
Change over clothes, bibs, diapers, wrap around mats, etc.<br>
Do you need more information, please write here...
Meeth Srivastava
22 Feb 2018