i had a c section in may after that i dint use any kind of belt or anything for my tummy to go in and the doc asked not to diet till 6 months as im bf any suggestions how much more time will it take for the tummy to go in and too.worried about my weight issues as well people just keep asking how come u have bcme so fat 😐 momz please share your experiences on the same
Rumsha Merchant
06 Jul 2017
sonam patel
Rumsha plese don't worry about the weight now... you need time to heal.. your body needs time... I m also a c sec mom... you can start with walks slowly after you are comfortable. after 6 months start with exercises.. as of now have a proper balanced diet. avoid sugary and fried items.<br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729cb62338f60015eaef4c </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
06 Jul 2017
Sohini Bairagra
plzz wait for 6 months or till the time ur breastfeeding after tht everyth will be alright. n also when u breastfeed u loose certain amount of weight. plzz try and avoid oily n fried food this itself will help u a lot. n dnt wrry after 6 months u will get bck to normal.
sonam patel
06 Jul 2017