I have already 18 months baby .....& just i concieve for a second chance i cant understand what i do im not mentally prepare for this situarion.....????
29 Apr 2018
In this case call is yours discuss with your family, friends and doc and then decide. At the time of my first baby's birth I thought that I will plan my second kid when he will be 3, so that he will be easy to handle and samajhdar but that was my khusfahmi 😥 as he is is growing day by day he is becoming more harder to handle him. so I decide till 3 he will kill me for sure 😂so we planned our second kid. So it all depends on you ask yourself and you will get answer
29 Apr 2018
Hey Anuja.. congratulations.. as Resham suggested plz consult your doctor and take care... your first one will be more than 2 yrs old when u will deliver second one so one ways it’s good
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29 Apr 2018
thanks.....your suggestion is imp for me....help to decide
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29 Apr 2018
Resham Java
Hey Anuja congratulations please visit your gynac for for the help on your second pregnancy I can relate to it what you're saying because we can never be mentally prepared for a situation but I must tell you out of personal experience it's a boon to have that kind of age gap they grow together like twins almost there is zero effort in terms of learning for the younger one as the older one is always there to guide and learning happens big time so you must take a call on this considering a lot of things like your mainly first your physical development how your body is ready for the second pregnancy that's the reason you can I could be your best help and also regarding how you could get that physical support the help at home while you are expecting and you deliver the Second one also the financial is also very important so you can. All d best
29 Apr 2018