I have been using mama earth only om happy with nutbi hsvr seen he is suddenly getting a little darker and there were no hair on his body suddenly I se hair on his legs hands face is it normal plz help * I'm not obsessed with the colour but it's changing
Foram Modi
10 Jul 2017
Sonia Gupta
hi Foram baby' s colour keeps changing and they sumtimes appear darker and others as fair.As on hair also along with eyebrows also the body hairs may comes up or may become visible.This changes wud be there for arnd a year till baby gets his permanent skin tone and other features.
10 Jul 2017
Foram Modi
I'm happy with product and it's been 1 1monh I use products i don't have a product issue it's a sudden change in colour nd hair growth I'm worried about <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372ec8a17d2c800158d90f1 </b></span>
10 Jul 2017
Foram. babies change color and hair may appear too. it might just be coincidence. plus just a few days of product use probably won't suddenly make his color change from one <u>share</u> to another. relax. if you think it is product , why don't u stop using for number of days u used them and check if u see any change ? <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372b590573f5c0015bc3e8b </b></font>
10 Jul 2017
Sumira Bhatia
Foram baby's colour keeps changing. I don't think it's the product. Uday looks different everyday. in fact he looks fairer during the night and darker during the day. And I have used both Himalaya and Johnson's baby. so don't worry. It will be okay. I am not sure about the hair. Uday already had hair lanuga so I am not sure why your baby would suddenly have it
Sonia Gupta
10 Jul 2017