I m p weeks pregnant n I m getting very little little creamish discharge without any redness or itching or sores. In my urine report there was little bit increase in pus cells so dr told me for urine culture and urine culture report was ok n there is no infection then why creamish discharge which become yellow when dry
Disha arora
13 Apr 2017
Disha arora
13 Apr 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
Hello Disha..<br>
It is very common for pregnant women to experience some type of vaginal discharge. This is mainly due to elevated levels of the pregnancy hormones like estrogen, as well as extra blood flow to the vagina and genital region. The vaginal discharge differs in appearance based on its consistency and color.. White or light yellow discharge with an egg white consistency is usually considered normal, if it is not associated with foul odour or itching... Do follow some remedies like- keep the vaginal area clean and healthy, and must be wiped from front to the back. Cotton underwear is more preferred. Avoid deodorant or scented soaps, hygiene sprays, scented toilet paper or pads, bubble bath, nylons and tight pants...
Disha arora
13 Apr 2017