I think normal delivery is better than c section... I delivered baby through c section but i could not care my baby properly due to my stiches..i feel very sad
Preeti Verma
07 Feb 2018
Preeti Verma
Agree all of u
07 Feb 2018
Merline Joffy
Within days u will b fine preeti.; I am a c section mom.; On the next day I started getng up nd started feeding.; I had pblm till the tube was removed.; My reltves were like u need at least 2 people to get up from bed.; But after few hours of c sectn I could get up alone.; So evrthng is accrdng 2 ur mind set.; Don't over think abt opertn.; Think abt ur litl one nd u can do evrthng in few <u>days</u>
07 Feb 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Hey Preeti I agree to some extent because I'm a c section mom as well. But I decided that I will get well soon , thx to my doctor she kept encouraging me to shake my legs as soon as I was out of operation theater. By night with great effort I changed sides and I wanted to use the washroom 😅 the nurses there calls me super women. So the key is be flexible .. the more you going to keep your body rigid the more you will suffer. Yes we went through knife but so what? We are moms super moms. Now I can run marathon 😅.; Get well soon.
hi preeti - we have a lot of c-section moms here. the journey is tough for everyone. pls get yourself a nursing pillow so it's easier for you. also pls read all of our articles on breastfeeding. we have lots of new moms on the app and everyone is here to help. tc.
Preeti Verma
07 Feb 2018