I think the best part of being a mommy is when your little one looks up at you and smiles or stares because they know you are their person. Like nobody else is as important as you. They know that nobody can handle them or care for them as good as you. That bond is indescribable.
There really are places in your heart that you never even knew existed until before you held your little one in your arms. I can promise you this that nothing in the world will ever make you as happy, as sad, as tired or as proud as being someone’s mommy. And I can also promise you this that you will never look back on life and think that you spent too much time on your kids, because it’s never enough.
I agree that mommyhood is messy and challenging and crazy and sleepless and giving but it is still unbelievably beautiful♥️
So hang in there all you beautiful supermoms cause y’all got this😊
Akansha Fatnani
28 Feb 2020