;🍎 If you are in Trimester 3 you are probably thinking "That's a lot to fit in!" And it's true that you are running outta space with baby pressing into your stomach causing heartburn. 🥦 But here is the deal, you need to increase calorie intake by 500 calories per day, you can split this breakfast into 2 meals. So think of 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners in trimester 3! 🤰 Increase the intake of proteins, fibre, iron, calcium and vitamins for your health and the baby's. To increase this volume think of 6 small meals a day. 🙌🏽 Join the conversation! Tell us which trimester you are in and what you had for breakfast today! 😊🥳 #pregnancynutrition ;#nutritionwhileexpecting;#expectingmothers;#pregnant;#fitpregnancy;#healthypregnancy;#nutritionforpregnancy;#firsttrimester;#thirdtrimester;#pregnancycalories;#trimesters;#proteinforpregnancy;#omega3;#pregnancyweight;#chennai;#birthbasix;#prenatalhealth;#prenatalnutrition;#prenataldiet