I'm 13 weeks pregnant but I'm these days feeling lonely as if I only have to go thru this pregnancy alone. My husband comes with me to the doc appointments and all. but he is very busy with his work comes home late during weekdays and in weekend D's as we stay in joint family it becomes difficult for us to spend tym alone.
I miss spending time with him. He hasn't done anything special for me in all these years of marriage I never asked him to but now I need him the most. My mother in law is there but she hardly guides me.. coz during her tyms she says she only ate roti,rotlan sabzi normal food.never she asks me what u feel like eating and when I suggest that we keep a maid she says no not now later maybe after 6th or 7th month..; yes but I appreciate that she makes food for us. No doubt in that. But she doesn't understand the nausea n all is a part in which a person after puking feels weak. N also my husband doesn'tn expects I do work at home also after coming from office.
I feel like crying many times. I know I should not think all negative things but when a person feels lonely that's what comes in the mind...
Krutika Gor
30 May 2018
Harsha Daswani
Hey ma mothr in law toh dnt even make food...n if i keep maid....she fights.....n even ma sis in law doesnt do nethn...n i m advised cmplte bed rest...even den....i ws dng...bt now....my husband agreed to send me at ma mom's place till ma first trimester.....so try to be happy n if u gttn tired of work....go to mom's plce
30 May 2018
All this is because of pregnancy hormones. many times feels like we are alone and want to cry,; thinks negative.<br>
This is all for some time. Be positive. <br>
Think about your baby when he/she is in your arms. Be happy.
30 May 2018
Iman Wani
Just like you expressed your feelings here...try talking to your husband openly..and keep yourself busy in constructive work...don't indulge in any negative thoughts...stay happy thinking about the coming baby :)
30 May 2018
Beth Sheth
Dear Anon ,
I'm sorry you are feeling this way.<br>
But hey....you are going to have a baby!!<br>
I can understand that u want to spend time with your husband , eat, rest etc.<br>
All this you can do !!<br>
Just ask...<br>
Ask your husband to spend time with u. Set time aside ask him to take u out for maybe dinner or something.
Chat here at babychakra ...other moms and expecting moms will guide and keep u company.
Make time for yourself too...go out meet friends...read..Listen to music.. plan for the arrival of the baby.
Remember communication is the key; and being happy lies with u.
Take care and enjoy this time!!!
Harsha Daswani
30 May 2018