I'm having gas problem so this could also cause gas in my baby actually baby do have she is taking medicine too colic aid and Neosmile but no results, she cries a lot. I make her burp after every breast feed. I take tea twice or sometime thrice in a day so that causing gas in me and baby and I'm taking milk as well. Please suggest what are things i have to avoid and eat this time.
Ellora Mohanty
10 Feb 2017
Ellora Mohanty
but from two days she's not sleeping properly cries a lot
10 Feb 2017
Ellora Mohanty
thanks a lot
10 Feb 2017
Sonali Shivlani
Gas in the mom need not cause gas in the baby. Your diet would not affect the baby unless it is very erratic. Colic is very common in babies of this age and having the mother on a restrictive diet could actually compromise her health. Two cups of tea is not a problem. In terms of your diet eat small meals but eat every two hours. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and include curds and butter milk in your diet to help digestion. Try the tummy time, gentle abdominal massage cycling movements to help baby. If all else does not work speak to the doctor for medications which have a medicinal value. Colicaid is made of items like fennel and mint and hence is more herbal in nature.
10 Feb 2017
Mythrayei Naidu
u just fix a time u should avoid all the fried and cold items take your b.f at7.9 lunch at 12.2 dinner 6.8 have milk it will increase your breast milk .if you can't stay with out t have it but only once a day. it is important to change our life style after a baby.if u feel eating or drinking other things look at your baby.just hold on for 4months as long as you feed your baby.
10 Feb 2017
Sheetal Rai
gas doesn't necessarily happens because of ur diet. I am a tea drinker. I used to have more 3 cups a day. had no such issue. try cycling ur baby's legs when she is crying. make her lie on her back and move her legs in cycling motion then take both the legs and press it against her abdomen. please check videos for further guidance. and if doctor has prescribed the gas meds and it isn't working please go back to the doctor and get it changed. my baby was prescribed neopeptine gas drops. n it worked wonders. u can also apply hing water paste around the navel. it helps relieving trapped gas.
Ellora Mohanty
10 Feb 2017