In my previous post on Being Mindful I explained the need and benefits of being mindful. This one is about how you can be more mindful and build it like a natural muscle. ; Like I mentioned earlier, you need to find what works best for you, all of these have worked for me, some might for you, some won’t but don’t let that become a roadblock, remember you need to be more MINDFUL rather than have a MIND FULL. ; First things first, being mindful is being more aware, and it starts by paying focus on your breathing and thought patters, so;start meditating! Focus on your breathe, let your mind wander, trust me for first few days you will wonder what weird thoughts can come to your mind, JUST KEEP FOCUS ON YOUR BREATHING. Every time your mind wanders let it be and then using all your non-judgmental energy bring it back and make it focus back on breathing, you will get better at it, day by day. Remember you need to identify the stimulus to stop the reaction! ; You need to build more awareness,;build reminders for you to be more mindful. Which part of the day are you immersed mostly during? For me it was post lunch, I would lose all my awareness and would get into the race, so I started listening to youtube mindfulness music, it helped me relax down and focus back on being mindful. So start identifying cues during the day when it just gets too much, and you react to every stimulus, just remember to pause, breathe, calm down and focus back. Remember music is always a help! ; Be more mindful during your daily routine activities, how many of us have been just following the same routine blindly for years and years mindlessly? Observe your surroundings while making breakfast, getting ready to work, driving, waiting for your turn during doctor’s appointment. How do we manage these situations, any thoughts? We have been doing it all in regular rhythm mindlessly. Just pause, focus on your breathe, calm down and be more aware and mindful. Do this right from the time you wake up and until you sleep! ; KISS – Keep it short and simple;remember you can’t do this all the day long right from day 1, so start doing it in breaks of 10-10 minutes, and slowly and steadily keep doing it, till it becomes a natural muscle. ; How long does it take to build a new habit? Research says 21 days, I read a book on developing brain and new habit, it said 10000 hours of practice makes you an expert. So now you know this needs time and dedication, you can’t master it overnight, so the;key is PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE & FOCUS ON BREATHING! ; #apostaday#practicingmindfulness#happymothersmakehappybabies#mindfulmothersmakemindfulbabies
25 Oct 2017
Urmila Gupta
Very well written
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27 Oct 2017
Shruti Giri
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d8eb5b34e550013ec1ff7 </b></font>; would be a treat for us...
25 Oct 2017
Merline Joffy
Wahhh super one
25 Oct 2017
Satyam Sharma
Yes <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372dce4d28b060015d965bd </b></font> now I have started transitioning my office work, hopefully by mid November I shud have all the time for myself.
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25 Oct 2017
Shruti Giri
It's amazing <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d8eb5b34e550013ec1ff7 </b></font> ....if time permits please keep writing.... You are too good at it!!!!
Urmila Gupta
Like (1)
27 Oct 2017