Iodine or Iodide is a type of mineral that’s naturally found in the earth’s soil and ocean waters. Many salt water and plant-based foods contain iodine, and this mineral is most-widely available in iodized salt.
It’s important to get enough iodine in the diet. It regulates hormones, fetal development, and more.
Adequate concentration of iodine in breast milk is essential because breast-fed infants rely on milk as their sole source of nutrition, breastfeeding mothers need;enough iodine to meet their babies’ iodine needs as well as their own.
Isiliye #Iamnotmissing 'i' called iodine in my diet and sharing this message to every mom , to be moms and new moms here !!! I am tagging my fellow mommy bloggers to take the pledge
Neha Gupta
13 Aug 2020