Yes! Prebiotics natural fibres that aid in the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. If prebiotics are consumed from an early age, they create conditions in the guts that are optimum to train the immune system.
02 Feb 2022
vandita chaurasia
Yes. Prebiotics are natural fibers that help balance the gut microflora. They act as food for the healthy babcteria already present in the baby's gut and helps them grow. When the healthy bacteria grows they inhibit the growth of the bad or infection causing bacteria thus boosting the immunity of the baby. Did you know that gut is the larges immune organ of the body with about 70%-80% of immune cells located in it and it is the gut microorganisms that help regulate it. hence any substance that boosts their growth helps with the boosting of babies immunity as well.
31 Jan 2022
Dr Pooja
Prebiotics are a source of food for your gut's healthy bacteria. They're carbs your body can't digest. So they go to your lower digestive tract, where they act like food to help the healthy bacteria grow. Use natural products like curd which are a good source of prebiotics
02 Feb 2022