Is Your Baby Lactose Intolerant???
The sugar present in milk and other dairy products is known as lactose. Our body produces an enzyme; lactase, which helps in the breakdown of this lactose sugar. Sometimes, the babies suffer from a deficiency in the production of lactase enzyme. These babies are not able to digest the milk sugars and are said to be lactose intolerant.
What Causes Lactose Intolerance?
The medical condition of lactose intolerance can arise temporarily in some cases while sometimes it can last for a lifetime. The primary causes of lactose intolerance in babies are:
1. Premature Birth: Premature babies often suffer from lactose intolerance. The levels of lactase enzyme in babies usually rise during the last months of pregnancy. So, premature children may experience difficulty in digesting milk and dairy food since birth.
2. Genetic Reasons: This deficiency disease may get transferred through DNA to the baby from parents. If both, the mother and the father suffer from lactose intolerance, only then the child may show signs of intolerance.
Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance:
If your baby shows the following symptoms, you must consult a doctor and get diagnostic tests done.
Abdominal pain
These symptoms may arise 30 mins to 2 hrs after the consumption of milk or dairy foods. The severity of symptoms may vary from person to person depending on the amount of lactase production by the body.
The symptoms of acquired lactose intolerance may last only for short term. They may disappear soon after the baby’s intestine starts producing the lactase enzyme.
Diagnosis For Lactose Intolerance:
There are only very few chances of your baby developing lactose intolerance. Your doctor may examine the symptoms for lactose intolerance. The doctor may ask you to eliminate all the sources of lactose from your baby's diet for a few weeks and examine the symptoms. Based on this, the doctor may provide the diagnostic result.
Breastfeeding: Mother's milk contains the lactase enzyme, so even if your baby is deficient in lactase he/she can digest the breastfeed. Thus, in babies younger than 1-year-old, breastfeeding is a better option than cow's milk or formula milk.
Avoid Dairy Products: Avoid all the food items containing lactose sugars. Some food items like cookies, cakes, bread, cereals may also contain lactose. To identify the ones containing dairy food, you can check the label for the ingredients.
Ensure Balanced Diet: Since your baby is not allowed to take dairy food and milk, he/she may suffer from calcium deficiency. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth in a developing child. In order, to meet the body's calcium demand switch to other food products rich in calcium; which includes, leafy green vegetables, juices, soy milk, tofu, broccoli,  oranges, and bread.
Supplements: Lactase enzyme supplements are now available in the markets. Consult the doctor if supplements can help your child.
HaPpY pArEnTiNg 😊










Dr. Shilpitha

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Roopashree Siddireddy

Thanks for this info.. everyone must n read..


