It's the small things that make all the difference!
Today i'm gonna talk about a funny, but critical subject that every new mom is experiencing, every toddler mom is aware of and every expecting mom should know about!
POOP, PEE, FARTS, GAS, COLIC, BURPS, etc etc determine the happiness of the family!
Seriously, at every stage, everyday parents will first of all discuss, potty done? What kind of potty? How many feeds? How many times water? How many pees? Did she burp after feeding/eating? Oh her tummy is aching - hope she farts or burps soon so she will feel better! Is she eating? How many spoons?
I kid you not, these are the most important aspects of bringing up baby that will consume the mother's (and father's) mindspace a lot! I still carry colic aid when i travel. And I'm the happiest person when my child farts out loud after eating!!! (well not in public of course - then you'd see my horrified look!)
So as moms, i want u to share these kind of small things that make u say HAASH, thank god! What makes u sigh with relief? Pls share any small thing no matter how strange it may seem - i want all of our expecting and very new moms to know what is normal :)
Meanwhile, babies - keep farting, keep pooping and keep smiling :)
pic cred: pinterest
17 May 2018
the_drama_kids islam
So my girl suddenly stops and holds on to something( and begins with the act of pooping) and then keeps talking to show all is well.<br>
I love to see her that way even though it means she is constipated many times :<u>D</u>
18 May 2018
asha chaudhry
We used to carry the potty seat too while <u>travelling</u> <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616efee84c00f90013b5fa38 </b></span>
18 May 2018
Archana Bhosale
Laughing while reading this post. My daughter is 20 months old,; she is trained to use potty seat. We bought potty chair & potty seat, but we choose potty seat as I thought she will get habitual to it. Potty seat is easy to carry & no need to clean & wash like potty chair. I Happy that we didn't introduced potty chair to her. Whenever we travel we carry potty seat with us. She farts but sometimes but not daily.... But whenever she farts,; she laughs loudly 😂😂.... Like ha ha ha.
Haha 😂 yes <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </span></b>. When i read ur comment i was laughing nd saying to myself yeh lo isme bhi same to same 😛
the_drama_kids islam
18 May 2018