It's time for us to be Heard, Respected and Treated Equally. There is no better time to FEEL PROUD and FEEL OPTIMISTIC about being a Woman. Together with our unwavering strength we can change the world!
The culture and standards are changing but still up to us to ensure the enforcement of our equality & respect. It's important for us to stand up for ourselves and each other.
As Every drop in the pond counts, so by empowering yourself , you help to empower women as a whole. For this u have to Choose to Be a Warrior Not a Victim.
Only Surround yourself with People that Empower you and Treat you as an Equal.
This Valentines Day Be your own Valentine 💝
" Love Yourself First "
Selflove isn't selfish ,It's Important
If this most of mine has inspired you in any way then please give a ❤ & comment below. Would Love to Hear from You😍
Deepika Hindi
10 Feb 2022