If a kid develops good habits and learns how to stay away from flu-causing germs and other such bacteria then automatically your child will be safe and illness will be at bay. It is very important that you along with with your child should develop good and clean habits so that your kid doesn’t fall sick very often and leads a healthy childhood. There are a number of daily habits that should be kept in mind so that you can always watch the spread of illness from other children with whom your child spends a good amount of time either in school or in your locality.
How to keep a child healthy:
We have assembled some quick daily checks that will make your life easier by tracking down the overall health of your kid. The following points will help you in doing so:
1. Washing hands properly is the most commonly used practice and is also very effective when it comes to the prevention of spreading the harmful germs that may be the sole reason for illness. Teach your child to properly wash hands and use a good soap or a disinfectant hand wash that easily kills germs, and the child should properly scrub it in both the hands for around of 15-20 seconds including thumbs and also the back portion of hands. Though nowadays a number of sanitizers are available in the market that claims to kill all the harmful germs but still a soap is more effective in carrying out this job.
2. Get rid of the habit of touching your face very often, and also if you kid does it frequently teach him not to develop this bad habit of touching the face. According to the researches held in US, it is found that at an average a human touches his face almost 4-5 times in an hour. Everyone does this too often but doesn’t realise that it is something wrong in doing so and thus by touching the mouth and eyes we easily allow the harmful bacteria to enter in our body. Make your kids understand to develop the habit of keeping the hands away from the face as much as possible.
3. The season of flu and cold is approaching and since it is a kind of communicable disease it gets spread from one person to another very quickly. According to the doctors, children stay very close to each other and also share a number of things with others such as their toys, books, pillow, food etc. This may be one of the reasons that they get infected easily. Teach them to stay clean and to stay hygienic by maintaining proper steps such as washings hands properly and every time before every meal.
4. Flu that occurs due to the rough weather conditions are very dangerous and are believed to make people ill for quite some time. It is believed that the flu can keep a person ill and in bad health for about eight to ten days. The doctors recommend a vaccination an annual basis so that the children, as well as the adults, can stay away from getting infected from seasonal flu.
5. Make it a habit of keeping your home and other things and racks clean. Try to keep those areas clean where a child is very frequent and touches or keeps things so that the germs present is not infecting him. Gaming devices, door knobs, switches, telephones etc all these devices are often touched and so it is important to keep them clean and free from any infections.
Thus, small steps taken into account every day can keep you and your child free from some major flu and infections. Small infections can sometimes cost lives and which is why we recommend to develop good and clean habits to be taught from an early age so that it helps them in the long run. #MommyBuddingDiary #BBCreatorsClub #Health #Fitness
Akansha Bansal
25 Jun 2019