Kid is 98 days old. We observed this Red mark kind of thing on her head on 60th day. It has not reduced yet. No trouble out of it it any health condition? Anyway taking her to pead on 9th and will be consulting for this. Any other parent has come across such thing?
keerthana r
05 Mar 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
please tell me is it bigger in size or is it elevated if you press are you able to press it can you feel it as panji mass is it movable or is it like a pimple and if it is none of the above then it is a birthmark do not worry sometimes small capillaries of blood vessels rupture beneath the skin because when baby starts to crawl I accidentally the bump their heads they can get this kind of Mark do not worry but it is elevated mark and a popular mark and the same mark is visible on baby's body such as on baby's back or on baby's thighs then this is birthmark do not worry
Dr.Priyanka Patel
05 Mar 2019