Kind, smart, informed, helpful, creative and fun. We can go on forever....that's our MomStar!
Since the World announced today as Women's Day, we send a small reminder - everyday is Women's Day.
To all the MomStars who shared their baby's milestones, answered questions from a mom in need, shared an article to a friend and invited them to join the community of empowered mothers. To each and every single MomStar on the BabyChakra App - Happy Women's Day Everyday.
Whether you work (at home or in the office), are shy or opinionated, sing or play sports we celebrate you as our MomStars. We celebrate Women's Day everyday on the BabyChakra App.
Oh yes indeed .. only after joining <b><a style="text-decoration:none" href=""><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">babychakra</font></a></b> I could sense that potential in me to start with blogging , I owe it to the app and the team for the encouragement and support throughout and still
Isha Pal
09 Mar 2019