Lesson 3- THE POST-FEEDING SESSIONS Al the tamasha begins here, once the baby is full. The word "BURPING"is a mantra for the patents of a refluxing baby. I couldn't find the lord of this mantra. May be it is the shashti devi who is worshipped on the 6th day of the baby's birth and on all auspicious occasions related to the baby. As per hindu mythology, Shashti devi is the goddess of child birth. Folk tales around me suggest that refluxing babies are very intelligent. According to them just before birth of a baby, shashti devi demands an offering from the baby in return of his/her safe birth. If the baby fails to answer it, the soul returns back with out being born resulting in still birth. Some babies offer their mother's soul or may be anybody else's soul could be father or any elder like old family member to get birth. While the intelligent ones offer their food. They convince shashti devi by promising to offer a part of anything that goes into their tummy. So respect the intelligence of your baby and be ready to manage it. Now, thats the fun part, coming to the real monster. I have burped my baby for as long as 45 minutes to an hour after a feed. For the first 3 months my baby didn't sleep on bed at all. He slept mostly on a folded lap or else on my shoulder. The backs would hurt like hell. All babies need to be burped. But for refluxing babies its required to be done for longer duration of time. You can burp the baby on the shoulder or on your lap or on a pillow. The part of the tummy just below the chest and above the belly button should be placed on the shoulder or lap or pillow such that it is at the highest point with respect to the plane. And the use the inner border of your right hand to burp gently with adequate pressure. Just patting the baby on the back of the chest or the tummy doesn't count as burping. Burp the baby before the feed, in between the feed and after the feed. Keep the baby upright for 20 to 30 minutes after each feed.
A nice relaxing push back chair will help you by giving rest to your back while you sit or half sit while holding the baby.
You can also utilize your pregnancy pillow as an effective back rest.
Keep the baby upright or at 45 degree angle from the hip while feeding also, so that the ingested air is released as soon as baby stops feeding. You can go through various youtube videos available about how to burp the baby or else ask your pediatrician about it. They ll guide you the best way and even give you hands on training for burping your baby.
10 Apr 2019
Naiyya Singh
Helpful and super witty post!
14 Apr 2019
My baby is 1.5m old and she also demands to sleep on only shoulder not even lap sply in night, is there any alternative we can change this habit? I feel exhausted whole day n night, my shoulder hands bck hurts a lot
14 Apr 2019
khushboo chouhan
Another helpful post!!!
12 Apr 2019
<a href="http://app.babychakra.com/user/134798"><font color ="#3b5998"><b>Khushboo Chouhan</b></font></a> <a href="http://app.babychakra.com/user/817"><font color ="#3b5998"><b>Priya Sood</b></font></a> <a href="http://app.babychakra.com/user/265516"><font color ="#3b5998"><b>Swati upadhyay</b></font></a> <a href="http://app.babychakra.com/user/184190"><b><font color ="#3b5998">Nilofer Shaikh</font></b></a>
Naiyya Singh
14 Apr 2019