Let's talk about child's personality.👶🧒👧🤴👸


Over weekend I posted boo's teacher's remark,( behaviour police and earth warrior) my inbox was flooded with messages asking about how we did it.


There is no shortcut or instant fix solution to building child's behaviour, its years of मेहनत ।

But then it's never too late.

जब जागो तभी सवेरा।


Every child is born with a temperament. Shy, cranky, gregarious, adventurous. Over time child's temperament evolves into behaviour traits. It's important to watch and follow your child to develop a good understanding, before you label your child and dive into POA.


🎯A child needs a warm, loving relationship with those around him. Avoid having arguments when the child is around.


🎯He needs to grow up with clear guidelines that enable him to develop self control and feel confident about his actions. Don't keep changing rules as per convenience. If you don't approve of screen time then don't give in, just because you are visiting relatives or want to have dinner in peace.


🎯He should be given an environment rich in opportunities for exploring and following his interests. Take him out to parks, museums, libraries, lakes etc. Dont limit to sensory bins.


🎯Be the change to bring the change. Always use grace and courtesy when talking to other person.. Never forget your manners during meal times, in grocery store, while driving etc. Your child will easily replicate.


🎯An educational approach should be tailored to his strength and interest. Also help him to master challenges. If he doesn't like dinosaurs then he doesn't like it..Don't force!. Boo has no interest in farm animals.


🎯He needs to be valued and acknowledged as an individual, encourage to be part of group. Talk about news, current affairs don't shy away or underestimate your child.


🎯He needs regular affirmation that " he is the best version of himself".


Children change as they grow, what might be challenging now, could be a positive characteristic when they grow older.

Enjoy the time with your child and don't let perfect world of Instagram fool you.

#sensiblechild #parenting101 #bangaloremommyblogger #babychakra #momstar










Isha Pal

Very nicely written.. thanks for sharing this.


