Live Q&A with Elina Dawoodani Today
There are so many of you who keep asking us questions on the right nutrition while you are breastfeeding or what should you eat post delivery to loose weight or what to eat to enhance milk supply etc etc. If you got queries around this, come and ask our own mom Nutritionist Elina Dawoodani tomorrow and get all your queries resolved!
Hello, Elina Dawoodani. My baby boy born weight is 2.7kgnow he is 11month old weight is 7.45kg. Is it ok. For healthy what to do? What i have to give food time. In night he is crying why this happens? Please suggest me Night food also so he can sleep night very well.
08 Aug 2017
Rosie Emerald
Hi Mam my little one completed 6 months and one week last 15 days she had a loose motion problem so i didnt start anything what should i give now,am cinfused what to start? If it is formula feed which one should i buy ?per day how many times should i give solids ? And water how can i give water thru sipper or bottle?how often shouldvi give water?
07 Aug 2017
Nasreen Mansoor
Hi <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5b6ef6d70edfab1d939541bd </b></font><br>
My baby is 13 days..<br>
He cries to pee,poop n fart..<br>
is it normal ?
I had a c sec delivery..wat sort of foods i can take to increase my breast milk??.<br>
I feel my baby's tummy doesn't get full..he cries after every feed..<br>
07 Aug 2017
Vagdevi Prajwal
hey my baby s 18 days old.. she cries wen she poop n pee.. y s dt for.. n ve mucous kind of motions..
khushboo chouhan
08 Aug 2017