***Long Post Alert***

#IgnoreTheWritingMistakes 🙈

Hello mommies!!

So its been almost 16 months for my motherhood journey and throughout these days i followed both traditional and modern ways of parenting. I would decide according to my situation, availability of certain things and the comfort of my son. Some of them were so conflicting that sometimes i used to think why they did this all those year or how come they didn't do it?

Some of the things which i would like to talk about:

1. Malish

Even today i am doing it the way i used to do when he was a new born. Because he enjoys it😇. and i personally things that it has some kind of soothing effect on his body, after malish he will have a  bath n sleep for hours.

2. Weaning

This was the most conflicting one.

I was told that, ofcourse by my relatives, you should give him grinded food till one year so that he doesn't need to chew it because he is not having enough teeth.

Initially i was ok with it but then i was told by my ped that if you do this you will be just ruining with his eating habbita. When the time will come for chewing he wont do it because he doesn't know how to do It.

So what i did is, i didn't Grind the stuff, rather i mashed a little, that too till 8th. I was also told that give him chapatis to chew in 7 th month only. I was pretty much scared about the choking so i didn't do that too. But i started giving after 8 th month. Now he eats everything.

Also there was a lot of confusion about which food to give n which not to give.

3. Diapering

Initially i used the regular one.

After i got introduced to cloth diaper i switched to CD as it is eenvironment friendly, you dont throw it, you reuse it. comfortable too. This was for me , a complete transformation to modern way because i never seen anybody using CD at my place before n i hadnt heard about it before.

4. Medicines

I had gone a traditional way for every illness in its initial days. For normal cold n cough i never used any prescribed medicines. One time when his cough got severe then at last we went to the doc, thankfully except that time, all my home remedies worked well.

5. Breastfeeding

My son was on Exclusive breastfeeding so I never used canned food or any formula milk.

6. Descipline

I am more of an old school person this way. I don't punch or slap my son whhen he does any mistake but I won't keep quiet either. I raise my voice sometimes, be strict even ruthless sometimes. Somehow I am not the person who will fall pray to those cute  sounding cryings. I say NO very clearly. Some parents these days consider saying no to your child as a crime. as if you are being very rude to them. but I don't feel that way.

During these days i got a lot of criticism for giving him mashed food and also for not giving him mashed food, which food to give which not to give, the most controversial food items were curd, chocolate, banana😂

For Malish also somebody told that doctor told us it's not good don't do it..I don't know why.

So for me, Moral of the story was always try to figure out what is best for your child. Don't you ever trust anyone blindly because you know your child better than anyone else. Also , every child is different. One  home remedy is suitable for my child doesn't necessarily has to be suitable for everyone.

One more thing I came to know is PRAKRITI.

Try to find out what's your child's PRAKRITI. Like my son is having a Cough PRAKRITI, so all the cough provoking food items I have to avoid n find out the option for it. If your child is having a 'Pitta PRAKRITI', u must avoid giving spicey food.

So choose according to your observations and circumstances.











Sonia Gupta

very very useful and thanks that it's long bcoz its informative.




Ashika Imthiyaz

well said <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d8bf29c20f001575a1de </b></font> I wish to use CD, but thank the inventor of reused diaper due to my circumstances... but there is no other go am sure.. I did massage nd bath myself fa my baby till now... weaning is peeps Neva stop to talk...




Shruti Giri

<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e0765abe65c0046934504 </b></font> i am really glad&nbsp; you found it helpful!!&#128512;&#128512; <br> So about the cloth diaper, i am using superbottoms cover diaper right now&#128519;&#128519; <br> its super awesome, super comfortable n the designs...&nbsp; its customized according to us, indian parents because... &#128525;&#128525; taddaaaaa... IT'S AN INDIAN BRAND!!!&nbsp; you will get so many options available on their site. <br> pic: he is wearing the superbottoms superkid cover diaper.. ignore the expression&#128514;&#128514;




Foram Modi

very good write up what do u do for cold home remedies and tell me which brnd cloth diaper is good after reading your post I too feel using cloth diaper&nbsp; Malish even my doc says it's not compulsory so month I have a Malish wala aunty and nite I Malish and I too use traditional way advices of elder always worked for me for colic for gas and the gutti and even Channa atta and Malai for Malish strict no from doc but I works very nice with my son he infants enjoys it so much the day I dnt use he cries




Shruti Giri

<b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372d8dd17d2c800158d9008 </font></b>&#160; <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372c1453f31520016a69ec3 </b></font> thank you mommies!!!&#128522; stay awat from &#128122;&#128122;



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