May all women be free to dream, express, create and live their deepest heart's desire ♥.
All under one roof:
One made me mother.
Another taught me to be a mother (Anty and mom).
And the others are the replacement of mine (sisters) when I dnt exist around Amayra.
These women's played an important role from pregnancy up till now... 🦋
When I was told that my baby has two loops around it was my aunt who stood beside me and gave me positive approach. When I was in my labor ward she was the one with me as a guide.🤱🏻
My mom she always teach me new ways to tackle my naughty toddler.👸🏻
My sister watch after amyra so that I can focus on my career..🤠
Actually every woman in life teaches you something so it's hard to limit the list.
KHALID Mustafa
26 Nov 2020