Me, Then and Now. These two pictures were taken exactly a year apart. Even though I have received a lot of compliments on losing all the pregnancy weight, I was actually sent articles on how to lose that "extra weight" by members from my "new family", within 2 weeks of delivering my baby. To be honest, it did bother me a little, not because it made me conscious of my weight, but because of the apathy our society has towards a new mother. And thankfully, I didn't let it get to my head, concentrated on my baby, being happy and understanding my new role as a mom, eating well, and just trying to find those additional winks of sleep whenever I could. The weight loss happened gradually, over a period of 9-10 months. Like I would tell anyone who would ask me about my "baby weight", it took my body 9 months to become like this, I'll give it at least a year to heal, and then start working on it if that's what is needed, till then I ate healthy. My point in posting this, is that, don't let anyone make you feel bad about your body, you've made a beautiful baby, it's gone through a lot over a 9 month period, and will continue to go through a lot to feed your baby and keep him healthy (hopefully, you've not had a very troubled breastfeeding journey), you'll get back to your old self sooner or later, concentrate on eating healthy and being happy as that will transpire into a happy baby.
Anisha Agarwal
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02 Aug 2017