One of my friends daughter had an issue till 3 years baby was not talking single word. There was no medical issue with hearing or speech . Whole family was worried. My kid is just 2.6 years old and he is much better with speech. I am sharing my experience and understanding with you all.
1.talking to your kid with open ended questions. Making child to think.(above 2.5 years). If u find spider web and a spider u can its mommy spider kid will surely will start observing it.
2. encourage your kid to respond. Say if u call her name from far away child must say yes or oh, haa, etc. Peekaboo game
3.reduce screentime because with screen two way interaction is not possible. It's always one way information. Child will end up being mechanical. If child gets addicted child will least bothered about responding to any of your questions. For example. child wants to know something child has to ask what it is? Telivision doesn't give any room for enquiry.
4. talking one common language at home .
In the present situation its important to know english but if at home all are taking in hindi then child is put into confusion. Sometimes both parents are of different language background, and both want kid to speak in both.poor child would listen both but doesnt understand which one to use.
If child is sure of one language then u can start using other languages to make the kid learn. Or else all at home should speak in English for kids sake.
5. Keep atleast one hour as parent child interaction time with both the parents. Now a days both the parents are working and child will be under the care of maid or baby sitters. So they take care of only child needs .even my baby was with maid.but we made a point to keep an hour or two after we come back for the child . No mobile phone or laptop time. You should build the conversations than ending with one word. Slowly child will pick up. Constructive conversation will be really helpful.
6.pretend play ,finger (dady finger,momy finger etc.) What do they do etc?
Animals and their sound imitation Will help.
7. Jonny Jonny yes papa eating potato yes papa .Next time yes moma.i say instead of Johnny kids name . Sing rhymes with your kid.u can di actions too. Living childhood with your childhood is awesome.Child will enjoy and gets encouraged .you are increasing creativity too.creates strong bond.
8. Talk to your child from day one . As they say even in womp child can listen and recognize the sounds and respond.Child can grasp. Listening is the first skill in learning talk to your kid.child will slowly start responding by smiling ,movements etc.
9. If child doesn't respond to the sharp noise there may be hearing issue u may have to visit doctor. Because speech and hearing are relatively connected.if one cannot hear will have problem with speech.
10. Dont be in a hurry. Some kids take time to start talking some are very fast. Dont compare and be in a hurry and get worried.give time .child has his/her own pace of development.
If u feel that Active vocabulary is less then child will surely cope up if u follow the above steps.
If there's tongue tie issue u need to check with doctor. Tongue tie needs medical intervention.
These are some of the issues and always consulting paed and being sure with the problems should be the first step and then try to understand where things are going wrong .
Have a happy parenting.
26 Jul 2020
Laxmi Mishra
Thanks for sharing Nisha! its helpful
23 Jun 2021
Durga salvi
Helpful post dear.
27 Jul 2020
Madhavi Cholera
Thanks for sharing ..
26 Jul 2020
Madhavi Cholera
This is really very helpful post dear:) we missed your great posts on app..
Laxmi Mishra
23 Jun 2021