Most of the people will be complaining about or worrying about kids behaviour. I know almost all parents are doing their best to give best thing, teach right and love a lot. Are parents misunderstanding kid's Milestones as bad behaviour. So..let us see...
* My newborn always cries.
That's fine. Baby is responding. Crying is the only way baby know. Look at the problem, baby may be hungry, sleepy, colic or ear pain.
No need to worry. Everything is fine.
* Baby have a frown look and keep staring.
Baby is still small. It don't have developed colorful sense, perception sense, depth or power to identify things.
Be happy that baby is trying to learn. Trying to grasp. Show colorful objects. To get attention , for heaven's sake don't scream or keep banging those noisy rattles near ears.
*Baby is sucking it's fingers. Keep hand in mouth.
Wow, this is one more milestone. Baby is trying to explore things and have started with the things near to it and can be easily accessible. What else baby get other than its own hand?!! Newborns know things by tasting it. It's natural and normal.
Wipe the mouth, hand and below neck area often. Due to saliva baby may get rashes. Apply a thin layer of oil. Give some rattles or buy a playgym to divert baby hand. Keep removing hands gently whenever you see it's been in mouth. need to keep doing this.
* Baby is drooling a lot. is starting teething. They don't know yet to swallow their saliva. Once you start solids, drooling will be more. Haven't you read in your highschool that saliva have some enzymes will work as antibacterial way. Body is producing more so that the food is safe for the body.
* Baby will pick anything from ground and keep in mouth.
One more milestone..I have said earlier that anything in mouth is a way to explore. If baby is picking from ground, be happy that baby's pincher grip is developing.
Keep a big plate or take many small bowls and keep some finger spread boiled rice on plate. Murmured( puffed rice), small bits of boiled veggies. Don't ask to eat. They won't. But rather just let it lay here and there. Baby will definitely reach there, pick and eat.
*Baby won't listen or turn when called.
Hmm, this seems to be a big problem with you. Not baby. Baby yet to develop its perception to depth. For baby, out of sight is out of mind. Either baby is too involved in its toys or you are not in front of baby. To respond to your should be almost 3 yrs. Have you ever noticed you or your hubby won't respond when you are checking your mobiles. Same with your kid.
* Baby won't say when it need to go for washroom. Rather hide. least baby know, this is something to be done in one particular place or privately. Sometimes kids don't like their warm cosy bum to be washed all time. To escape from this, they feel good to do in some dry place. If baby have used exclusively diapers then anything on their bum ( whether cloth diapers, panty, pant) they feel it's diaper and it will soak it all. If you want to potty train, leave baby completely free. So that they know nothing is below so they have to tell for pee or poo. And even keep bathroom door open, so that they can access.
* My toddler is lying.
Seriously... Then celebrate, it's not actually lying. Either kid is developing imagination and trying to say it's own story. Or else it's trying to crack a joke. Now your toddler is know the concept of making fun.

Rather than scolding... Laugh and say... I know this is a lie. I know this is comedy. And gently say, you shouldn't joke in "so and so way or matter".

Try to understand your kid. Be all eyes to observe what they are doing and be all ears to listen what they mean. Don't misinterpretate your little one. It's mostly you in anger who teach them the wrong things. When your kid do something, ask explanation from them.











Nice post <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @629847e308f7c30014119c82 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> , bookmarking !!




Sumira Bhatia

I love the post . . Positive outlook to things we worry about




Sai Gandre

Awesome post <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @629847e308f7c30014119c82 </b></font> ... can so relate. Sharing this post with my inlaws... as they always keep complaining about baby drooling, thumb sucking, and the list is long





Wow.... thanks for sharing.. it will really going to help... bookmarked




Roopashree Siddireddy

Thanks for reading such long post..



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