#mom a thon 3 ; ; ; ; Why does kids bites their nails ?what would they get ?nail biting is also called as nervous habit which can be found in most common from babies to adult.
;seriously when my son started biting his nail it was making me angry as well as irritation .He didn't had that habit before he went to school.So one fine; day I asked him; why you bite ur nail always he simply answered me that my friend who sit next to me at school do this.I was worried about; how to get rid of bad habbit of him.
;Then I patiently made him to sit and started to make him understand .I used to tell him that if he continue with this bad manner he would get sick and can't able to enjoy the summer vacation like other kids do.
To stop biting nail we should find the reasons behind it.It can be due to surrounding where they are not comfortable.when they get anxious or to get rid of boredom.May be because of exam pressure.we as parents should make them know that they this bad manner they do it unknowingly.We can distract them by keeping their hands busy or;
Letting them; to play; outdoor games.We can make them engaged in art and craft activities.We should set the limits by; saying that tomorrow itself you r going to stop this habit.When children are at home during Holidays call their friend's to play with them or enjoy party.Now everyone have nets and WiFi; on their mobile , computers why can't we make best use of it like showing examples with the help of video pics . because these only take seriousness of this gadgets and technology.
; ; ; ; ;So does any one have; habit of nail biting if you had how u got rid of . You can share with us .it would be helpful for some or other person because; all have different kind of personality.
; ; ; ; ; ;So friends hope u will love my post.
19 Apr 2019
Naiyya Singh
20 Apr 2019
Saumya pillai
Thank everyone for liking my post its all because of ur love support and encouragement I m getting
20 Apr 2019
Much needed information!
19 Apr 2019
Varsha Rao
Very helpful post dear
19 Apr 2019
Smitha Prabhav
I did not have the habit but once I asked my father what would happen if I bite my nails. He found my question odd and replied saying that a huge tree of nails would grow inside my stomach and I would not be able to eat my favorite foods😂😂😂😂<br>
That was it for me! I believed it and I guess I even told my friends the same.
Naiyya Singh
20 Apr 2019