Mom-mee time Stay at home/ part time/fulltime working moms!
24 hours isn't enough how much ever we multitask and plan ahead!
But we all need some time alone to maintain sanity. To be left alone with our thoughts..or books..or tv ..etc etc For me that time comes when everyone is asleep at night. I spend sometime reading the newspaper or medical stuff, or (window shopping)on retail websites, or put-your-brains-aside bollywood/hollywood gossip blogs! I also spend time on Pinterest and chatting away on my mommy WhatsApp groups :)
Not to forget Babychakra!! The only real exercise I have started recently is swimming once or twice a week. What do you do in ur mom-mee time!!
14 Jul 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
my me time comes when baby is asleep... then comes watsapp, babychakra, pinterest... i try to do some diy, or just look around on online shops.... i yet to get back to some serious reading.... i also try to squeeze in a bit of workout...
14 Jul 2017
asha chaudhry
what an awesome topic to talk about payal! i cherish my me time! in the morning i sip my coffee by myself (hubby at beach walking), ini asleep - that window of 10-15 mins is super precious! whn its not raining i swim 2-3 times a week which is my fav me time activity. i do zumba 3 times a week which is a gp activity that falls under me time. over the weekend at night i sometimes watch a movie on tv by myself!!!! reading, writing is my me time. being a work from home mom i have to snatch precious moments in between. not easy though :)
14 Jul 2017
Free time...u must be joking... 😂😂😂😂Week days are ok...but week end I have no free time...bcoz two kids at home...😂😂😂😂 All time I say yaar maan jao...kyu jgagda kar rahe ho....bus kro..🙏😂😂 sometimes By chance if i go to sleep....when I wake-up i thought why I slept.?????.... House look like disaster....I ask my Hubby.... was strom come to our house.....everything like ulat-plat😂😂😂😂So no free time for me.....nd I love to <u>do</u> all things without any free time....🤗🤗🤗
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14 Jul 2017
Sumira Bhatia
I read while feeding so when I  have mommy mee time,  I take a bath!! which is about half hour by the clock  and during the night I watch tvvvvvvv but unfortunately fall asleep after about half and hour
14 Jul 2017
Ashika Imthiyaz
meee time... am craving fa it... mostly we do outing without my baby if my parents here... mostly I spend updating myself in my field... <u>and</u> a deep sleep...
Sheeba Vijesh
14 Jul 2017