
Dental care or oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is an important component in general health, if any dental problem is left unrelated, it would affect the general health too. Whether it is babies or kids or teens, the basics of good hygiene is the same, but the; techniques and tools vary.

Why oral hygiene is an important component?

It’s simple, a healthy mouth and teeth helps them to eat the nutritious meals comfortably, speak clearly and smile confidently.; So oral health is important for three ‘C’, eat comfortably, speak clearly and smile confidently.

Oral hygiene in babies

Mist of them have this question in mind, when do we start brushing our babies teeth.; The answer is simple, when you see it, you do it. When you see the first teeth popping out you can probably start brushing as the food particles tend to stick on the teeth, if unnoticed or proper hygiene is not maintained it may lead to toothed decay at a very early age.; Choose a finger brush or a soft headed brush which can for into your babies mouth, gently brush the teeth without being harsh.; It is recommended not to use fluoride toothpastes until they complete the age of two or in other words until they learn to spit.

Dental hygiene in toddlers

Toddlers as the name suggests are very naughty and crave for chocolates, sweets, cake and what not.; All these have negative effects on their teeth.; Yet if oral hygiene is maintained properly, you don’t have to worry too much about tooth decay. When it comes to brushing, they always insist that they would do it themselves, don’t immediately deny, wait for your turn, what I would suggest is that take turns to brush their teeth twice or thrice a week.; That would do. Explain them that they should reach all the teeth, the front, back and the chewing surfaces.

Children and teens.

Once your kids reach an age at which they’re primarily responsible for their own day-to-day oral hygiene, you may breathe a sigh of relief.

Practice these simple tips to make sure that their dental hygiene is taken care of

Practice healthy eating habits.

Avoid aerated drinks, chocolates, pastries,. Once in a while everything is fine. Encourage them to eat healthy meals.

Monitor their efforts

Have a schedule to monitor their brushing habits, if you think something is wrong, insist the children to correct their habits.

Meet a dentist

No child (or adult) can keep their teeth plaque-free without the help of a professional. Routine teeth cleanings and dental exams are essential for good oral health.










khushboo chouhan

thanks for sharing




Sumira Bhatia





Revauthi Rajamani

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