Foot reflexology works wonders when tired or stressed. . . Today I am going to highlight how and why I massage my daughter’s feet when she is cranky, tired, or uncomfortable. I have experienced that reflexology or massaging baby feet is effective and babies are responsive towards it. . . . How to massage babies feet - this is something that I learned in my prenatal classes please do a check with an expert before doing it for your child. 1• I always give a gentle pressure as i would while massaging her body before bath. . . 2• I do it for no longer than 5-10 minutes, depending on how comfortable she is on that particular day. . . 3• I always try and do it when it’s cozy, just before our afternoon nap time or may be when we snuggle in our bed and she is in her favourite blanket. . . There are a lot of ways how foot massage helps me. Firstly, It’s helps us ease any mild discomfort due to constipation or colic issues. Secondly, it helps us induce sleep and calms her when cranky. . . Always remember this is not the only way to soothe or calm your baby. It works for me but every child is different so follow their cues never force it when the child is further agitated or pulls herself away from it.
Sneha Khandait Deshmukh
01 Feb 2018