Do you feel its Impossible to make your kids eat greens? I found these Popsicle's to be the yummiest way to slurp down a whole bowl of spinach in no time.; We often tell our kids to eat healthy, ourselves binging on unhealthy packet food .; ;KIDS EAT WHAT ADULTS EAT is what I always feel ,;; For Nutritious popsicle:; 2 cups of fresh coconut milk 1 big bowl of chopped spinach 2 tablespoons of vanilla 1 tablespoon of honey.; Blend smooth and freeze; For the chocolate topping 1 brick of cooking chocolate melted with full fat milk in a double boiler.; Coat the frozen pops and stick in some chopped nuts.
From Dietitian Foram desk:;
This popsicles are powerpacked with many vitamins and minerals and not to ferget the not to ferget Cerry on cake is our choclate topping with nuts .Why not add more greens and reds too like our beetroot , carrot, kale, broccoli,cilantro , mint etc.;
zainab waheed
26 Feb 2018