But I was not yet ready to get married. I was not sure of myself. I wanted to win over my weaknesses, wanted to work and collect more experiences. I had turned into a free spirit. I loved being with myself. I travelled to Himalayas trekking all alone - bumped into some known people there and wandered about with them. It was an exhilarating experience for me and my parents, almost and adventure.

I got into a job after my graduation - frankly that was another life turning event and another cultural shift for me. I got into an advertising agency in fort area in Mumbai and a completely new circle, lifestyle and struggle started.

I wonder, how many such life changing events can I list here… my personality today is an out comes of so many turns and twists that I got in my professional life and personal too. I met with my first ever ‘the one’ there. Yeah yeah, I know it sounds funny - the first ever. We went around for 1 year and then parents wanted us to get married so we got engaged. We had lovely time together and suddenly he got tired of me. Closed down the company he had (I was working for him) and left India forever.

This set back worked really bad on me. My parents asked me to take a break. I was mourning, was with myself, started learning a new skill - Auto CAD and started a small sir of computer hardware to kill time. But I went into a shell. How someone just tells me that I am not good enough anymore… how can someone just lose interest in me just like that… lost all the confidence yet again… back to square one!!

Now when I look back, I feel so guilty about that time of my life. I was so lost in myself, and did not think about other people involved - like my parents!! They too were insulted in the whole situation, they too were hurt. How worried they must have been about me, how very hurting them must have been in the whole process!! And I did not stand by them, I did not form a team with them!! I should have been with them, like they stood by me. Why do we take our parents for granted? Well, the moment I realised that I got up, wiped my brow and took a decision to start my life again.

I got a job into recruitment - by then I had my communications in place, I had my personality in place. Once into the job, I started doing really well and found it interesting. My boss suggested me to pursue a course in HR and I started my evening management course. Once again my days started at 7 in the morning and ended only at 12 but I was happy, I made new friends and enjoyed the process of learning management.

My parents were very happy too. After 2 years of my education I interned for 6 months with a large IT company in Pune. Enjoyed my days of living alone in Pune, fell in love with the city. But I came back home every weekend, created a very very tight bond with my parents. They still talked about marriage….

Once my internship was over, I returned to Mumbai and got into a a singapore based IT company as a HR manager, I was still not ready to get tied down. I did not want to get married, I enjoyed my freedom too much. It was as it is tough travelling from Ambernath to Andheri every day for the job, I did not want to add to complications. Probably I was scared somewhere in my mind to get into another relationship….

Conspiring with my parents, a friend added me on for 2 months I kept receiving a lot of alliances. I decided to meet one of them and was soooo disappointed that once again I confirmed to myself that I definitely do NOT want to get married.

In the whole thing, my parents were not pressurising me to get married. They were happy in what I am happy with!! Thank god for such awesome set of parents.

And I received a phone call one evening at work. I was all ready to finish my work and leave in half an hour but this fellow Mandar called. We ended up speaking with each other for 2 hours on the phone - we enjoyed talking about everything under the sun!!!

Yet, another twist…

Why not share with me - how did you meet your husbands?










Archana Jog

Thank you <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63713f982338f60015eaa17b </b></font>




Archana Jog

Wow <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f8b3e3f43e4090046317c11 </b></font>




Vidya rathod

Archana so many ups and downs. To overcome all of them and start a new life needs guts. You are so strong girl&#128079;. I met my husband through common relatives.




Mahima Atishaya

Lol... I happen to meet my husband on He Hehehe


