#mommytakeover #friday
Being a twin mommy and motherhood today
So I will fast forward to the time I skipped my period.. And the two pink lines showed, later a blood test confirmed I was pregnant and then came the ultrasound day;

The doctor had one look at my hcg blood test report and his face turned blank! I was confused I assumed he will seem happy but he was like komal we need to scan you right now immediately and that scared us. He informed us the hcg hormone; is very high for 6 weeks and before saying anything more he wants to scan me.;

And the scan began and in the TV in front of me we see two different sacs!! My husband was surprised he asked are those two??; And he confirmed saying yes you are having twins!! For sometime I didn't know how to react they was such a rollercoaster of emotions.. I simply looked into my husband's eyes. I had never seen him this happier he asked me aren't you happy? Well I was but hey I was more shocked than happy because my body could not handle a single pregnancy how was I supposed to carry twins to full term?;

Then my doctor reminded me how I had being determined when I was trying to loose weight; and that it's not mandatory that the risk repeats yea the chances go really high with twin pregnancy and that's when it struck me that; the secret movie ideas would work for me again right here!;;

I started practicing om chants everyday,; ate healthy and stayed positive. I decided to think less about the pregnancy and go on doing my daily routine but easier said than done twin pregnancy is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. The exhaustion level was super high. I had shortness of breath with one floor of staircase. I was on a lot of bed rest throughout and I did whatever It took to stay calm and optimistic also if required cut out toxic people from my life who kept saying how will you handle twins How will you make it to 37 weeks? I just ignored them with a smile and said you will see.;

Then came 4 June 2018 where I delivered my beautiful twin girls at 35w. We had an emergency c section because my bp was beginning to get high and we caught it in time. My girls were born premature but healthy and had 2 weeks stay at NICU for gaining weight and now they are with me happy and growing well Touchwood!;
God had taken one away but gave me two back! Like how after every storm in nature the rainbow always comes. In my case I had double the rainbow waiting for me. I feel very grateful and happy that I made it inspite of so many people saying its going to be very difficult. Even my doctor admitted to me post the surgery that he was very worried for me when he found out I was having twins considering my history. I told him I knew I would make it this time

Being a twin mother is not easy even though I have plenty of help around initially we get clueless being a new mother but it's all sorted as days pass. Yea it is true that as a twin mommy I have never been so tired, so busy before in my life but hey I have never been this content and happier either. Here is a picture of my twins and me who are a month old now :)










Aditi Ahuja

Strong woman and mom you are!!




Amruta Naik

Thank you so much Komal for your sharing your story. Feeling a lot more positive. Much love to your adorable daughters.! Stay blessed.!




sonam patel

I just wish every one is this much positive. Positivity itself solves half of the problem. So happy for you. Lots of love to the cuties.




Resham Java

Komal 🙌🙌🙌🙌stay blessed in abundance always. Love to both the little hearts 💓 💓




Varsha Rao

Very heart touching take over komal...big hugs to u three😊😊



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