#mommytakeover #friday
I will be describing my journey in three stages
1) What kept me going strong, what inspired me to fight harder and not give up.

2) My weight loss journey of loosing 16 kgs

3) Motherhood today
I was always a very pampered child extremely over sensitive about everything. Even if my sisters kid got hurt and was crying I couldn't take it. Therefore I was labelled to be someone who could not handle any difficult situation of circumstance. About 6 months into my wedding my husband got dengue and I still remember how much I had cried constantly being there by his side and praying to god even the doctor told me it was a mild case and his platelets were not so low.; So that is the kind of person I was.
Now fast forward to the time I found out I was pregnant. Everything went well for 7 months and then in my 8th month overnight my blood pressure shot up and it lead a severe case of pre-eclampsia.
They say god will put you in a situation only if he knows that you can handle it. Now with whatever I had described myself before do you think I could take what was in destiny for me?; Well I had given birth to a stillborn baby boy. I was extremely critical and on the ventilator for 3 days.; I lost about 40% of my total body blood.
When I was informed about the devastating news initially I could not even cry because of the shock. When it began to sink in I saw my parents my in laws and my husband all staying strong and trying hard to be there for me by assuring me everything will work out for the best
It was when I had seen the strength in these people for me that I decided to fight it out . I was clueless about what pre-eclampsia is and how did it hit me overnight?; I decided to spread awareness about it. I wrote an article on it too.
So slowly and gradually I was recovering physically but mentally it was going to take much longer but to everyones surprise I was handling the loss in a matured way. I had watched a movie called 'The Secret' it filled me with a lot of confidence and strength.; I decided I will do whatever it takes to get out of this.
Being determined, confident and happy is the key to come out of any worst possible situation. You attract what you feel! If I felt low hopeless and withdrawn chances were I was going to attract more of those situations in my life..; I made a firm decision then.. To loose all the excess weight which was 16 kgs and work hard towards a healthy living..
I started searching for people online celebrities who solely based on will power fought life threatening disease and bounced back to life . Stories of yuvraj singh fighting cancer,; of Amitabh bachan fight bankruptcy and coming to the top again filled me with confidence that I need to make my will power stronger. I was not going to lay around crying anymore I was going to fight it out like these people did and I started doing things that gave me happiness. Like walking in the mall alone, shopping,; travelling, cooking, catching up with friends and I started feeling happier and stronger..
I was told by many experts that I will be at a greater risk for preeclampsia in my second pregnancy but thanks to the movie Secret I learnt that the universe will act according to my command. If I feel my body can handle a pregnancy then it will! No matter what doctors say but my family was terrified to let us try for a second pregnancy I convinced everyone including my husband that nothing will happen this time and I will no matter what loose all weight and carry a second pregnancy. It was then seeing my will to go ahead that my doctor signalled me to go ahead and I started planning my second pregnancy.
















Congratulations to the strong lady <br> May all this month goes Vry well n u will rcv an angel <br>




Aditi Ahuja

Very inspiring you are..dear God bless you




Betty Sangma

Very inspiring Komal. And im proud of you




Tulika Mandal

Where is ur 3rd part of <u>story</u>



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