#mommytakeover #friday #weightlossjourney
Here is my second part of today's takeover
My journey to weight loss
As soon as the green signal was given reluctantly by my doctor, I was asked to loose 16kgs so the risk of gestational hypertension would be lesser when I get pregnant the next time.. Listening to this I was extremely determined to loose excess weight..;

Also I don't think weight loss should be the goal for at Loss .As a person suffering from an illness will also loose weight but that’s not healthy in the long run . Weight lost from crash diets will only come back double of what you have lost . Its better to follow a slow and steady process for permanently lasting results .;

My OB/GYN; is nothing short of God to me and my family . Not only has he managed to bring me back from the hands of death but also comforted me with reassuring words saying I can very well have another pregnancy in future safely but for now I must work on loosing weight . This filled with a truckload of determination and strength after I had grieved from the loss of my first child and then; gathered myself I got my hands on Rujuta Diwekar’s book of “Don’t Loose your Mind , Loose your Weight” . I read the book , joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. The First day of the gym felt very very difficult after so many months of sedendary lifestyle and my recovering postpartum body . But I remembered my doctor’s words and struck to that treadmill , became friends with the dumbbells and made; exercise my companion for 1 hour daily .

;I started my journey to loose weight from sept onwards and by January I had lost 16kgs. It has been one hell of a journey , from dealing with the muscle pains from those never done before lunges to those painful weight training sessions .It has all paid me back very well.

What I ate :

From my experience I really feel that saying was true which is 70% fat loss is due to change in eating habits rest 30% is exercise. Along with this I; followed the four golden principles of eating right from Rujuta Diwekar’s book;
Eat something within 15 mins of waking up (this kickstarts your metabolism)
Eat something preferably a handful every 2-2 hours of the day .
;Eat food that is loyal to your genes ( South indians-Idlys , Gujratis -Dhoklas)
Finish the last meal of the day max by 6:30 pm ,after that only a glass of warm milk at 8 .

Other than following these principles to the T I ate the regular home cooked food of dal roti sabzi even rice and yes rotis with ghee. If I completely cut down and avoided anything it was the processed packaged food outside , refined flour items, sweets , icecreams and junk.
I had maximum 1 tbsp of homemade ghee everyday in those 4 months and still do and yes I did good from the perspective of weightloss. I think the ghee replenished my body and provided me with a lot of strength that I required while having such level of physical activity throughout the day .;

In conclusion, I would like to add saying Life is very unpredictable , we have no control over what can; happen to us when . Its wise to eat healthy and exercise regularly to avoid any unwanted illness that can be life threatening.;

Why am I sharing my weight loss story – For those difficult times when you feel like giving up remember to have PATIENCE and stick to it no matter what . To be honest here :

You won’t drop 2 jean sizes in one day;
You won’t loose 10 Kgs in one month;
You will miss the occasional workouts
You are going to have your bad days
Your weight will fluctuate up and down
You will have a few setbacks;
You are a human , you will fail sometimes.
Nothing worth achieving is going to be easy or happen straight away .JUST KEEP GOING !! Good Luck !










Aditi Ahuja

Great dear..




praveen gangwar

very inspiring .. I m also tackling with weight problem post pregnancy ... Will follow this regime thanks for sharing




Suhana Shangani





ritu singhal

Agree! Crash diets deprive you off essential nutrients. I too managed the weight with no sugar healthy eating.&#128077;





Awesome <u>bookmarked</u>



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