Power of motherhood 'Life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury Signifying nothing' these simple lines; summs up life in few; words. Yes there is so much of hullabaloo in our life still you never know what is going to happen in next minute. So we need to prepare ourselves for whatever life will throw to us, situation will remain same but your reaction to it makes a real difference. We need to stay positive, as a child of single parent I know how hard it was; for my; mother to raise her four kids she was not financially strong but never showed a sigh of pain on her face and not only financially but emotionally ppl try to break you; in such situation but she stood like a iron lady and overcome all that, I come from a background where single widow women is considered as family servent but I saw my mother standing against them just for our future sake she was even; once beaten to death by my uncles but her strong will power and a fierce mother in her, help her to battle that situation and come out as a winner. After becoming a mother now I know from where she get all that courage. Yes motherhood makes us vulnerable but at the same time it help us in becoming a stronger and finer version of ourself, other wise who in the world will tolerate that unbearable pain that we all go through just to give birth to that little munchkin of ours.maybe this pain makes us who we are now 'a strong mother ' Remember and tell me when was the last time you speak for yourself but if it is matter of your kid we will not tolerate it for second no matter whom we have to deal with and what we have to deal with. No matter how you look, how you speak, what is your qualification your kid will love you like this because for him you are his mother and there is no substitute for it.He needs you when he is sad, when he wakes up, when he sleeps. your hug ensure him that everything is OK
And you are there for him. Don't demean yourself; by comparing yourself with other YOU ARE YOU and trust me no one can substitute you in this world for him. Yes you are special for him and will always remain, you are his role model always keep your spirits high in any situation. Because situation will come and go but your reaction will make a real difference. Love your life and stay positive 😊.
16 Mar 2018
asha chaudhry
lots of love to ur mom! and a big salute!
19 Mar 2018
Aaisha Ana Iqbal
A very emotional and inspirational post..!lots of love to Aunty..she has brought u people up alone and showed the society that a women is no less than a man..
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16 Mar 2018
Thanx @616d9066791e5a0013a088c7 , @60bdc14ce1f162001a1ac395 BTW you share same name
16 Mar 2018
Durga salvi
Aunty is an inspiration to all.hugs to both of u..
asha chaudhry
19 Mar 2018