It's just a coincidence or something is **23rd feb**. I can never foget this date! (And all for wrong reasons) 💕After I conceived (I had to go through amniocentesis.. I have already written a post on same) and then everything was fine till 22nd Feb. We had to go for an ultrasound on 23rd Feb. I was already feeling depressed because of every now and then complications coming our way. 👀 I entered the usg room and had this unwanted unusual feel that something is wrong. My heart was beating faster Ans my usg was going on.
😮 my reports were handed over to me and as I have already read a lot about facts of usg I saw my afi was 6...with one out of four pocket showing zero.
😢 I didn't understand why is this happening.; I was eating well. Taking rest and still all this is happening with me
😦As my gynae said it's not alarming but a matter of concern ( pregnancy emotions were getting over my head..I could not think of anything but fearing about the situation)
😥 it's difficult to manage when " a mother starts thinking *what if* questions" 💊💊💊more medicines...arginine sachets was prescribed
🍚first time in life I ate boiled eggs ( m a pure vegetarian) I puked...ate...puked ate...for almost 2 weeks because I need to eat proteins. More and more protein.
😠 I was angry with myself that why m a vegetarian...why can't I digest egg..( my liver is very weak). I can't even digest much paneer.
😰another ultrasound was scheduled in march which came as a shock. My AFI was 5. All sachets...eggs...paneer...and what not went in vein.
In simple words...doc decided to give me amino acid through my veins (just like glucose) it was a 5 day session; 8 hours per day
😢 I used to lie 8hrs alone with needles in my both hands. And used to think endlessly about my baby. It pained...hands used to get swelled...turned blue.
😢 Saw my husband crying after seeing my hands( he was unable to see my hands that way)
I had such fear of needles that even sight of those gave me chills.
Everyday 2 needles...even nurses asked me***there is no place left in hand..we will have to poke the arm***. I only know how this conversation felt. I hated needles and now they have left no place to poke on my body
😌I knew it was all for my baby and I was very positive about the results. We were expecting an increase atleast upto 7.
😔 The very next day 10th March I went for an ultrasound again...and the result was... AFI : 5.5
We were shattered. All pain swelling tears went in vein. My baby was not gaining weight. She was just 1.3kg....
My doc asked me to keep count of movements and continue with eggs paneer n arginine. She forgot to tell me to take bed rest and I kept doing walks...sometimes became breathless and thought may be my body needs more movement. ( I wish someone would have told me it's not true)
I was breaking from inside...bit by bit...no1 was there to understand me. My husband didn't show but I could read his face. We were just praying to God. All I wanted is a healthy baby.
P.S. my Mil was just concerned about baby weight " 3 kilo to hona hi chaiye" 🙅what was your Mother in law concerned about during your pregnancy? Were there any complications regarding Amniotic fluid index?
23 Feb 2018
Aditi Ahuja
I can't believe this went through so much...kis mitti ki bani hoti hai MILs...only God knows!!
01 Mar 2018
Richa Kaushik
<a href=""><b><font color ="#3b5998">asha </font></b></a><u>maam</u> I went through a lot more after delivery maam...the way I was treated post partum by my Mil was so bad that I will never be able to forgive <u>her</u>
26 Feb 2018
Richa Kaushik
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6373bb51562cd100155a5c3a </b></font> plz talk to ur huby or ask doc in front of your huby or Mil. ..going out walking is important moreover....staying happy is <u>important</u>
26 Feb 2018
My mil is unique one she doesnt care about anything,she just know that after concieving one should be house arrest( like she do to me).<br>
I have not gone out since i conceive.(except doctors visit).<br>
I wish ki thodi concern dikhani wali mil mili hoti.
26 Feb 2018
Omg you went through so much.; You are a strong Mom.; Mine wasn't a smooth ride with my heart condition and low lying placenta.; Every month I had to see my cardiologist also.; My MIL was hoping for a; Son but later she was very happy with my dd because after 3 generations in my in laws family; the younger son has a child.;
Aditi Ahuja
01 Mar 2018