i have been reading about lot of ladies asking / getting concerned about their bodies not making enough milk. So here are a few pointers i would like to share from my experience as a second time mother. i have a 6 yr old son and a beautiful 19 month princess. #topfeed#formula#Idontproduceenough#topfeedtrap#lowsupply#breastfeeding 1) your breasts work on simple technique of demand and supply. The more the demand the better the supply. Wen you give bottle to ur child that reduces the supply. Feed as much possible again and again. U will feel empty like u dont have enough milk. But thats absolutely normal. Feed for atleast 15-20 min per side. 2) there is nothing called low supply. Supply depends upon a childs feeding pattern. Our breasts have been designed in such a manner that it understands the regulation very well. After initial 2-3 weeks the pattern is set n ur body works in perfect tandom to feed ur baby. 3) nipple size has nothing to do with milk production. There is no milk in nipples. Its the aerola that contains the milk. The better the child latches the better flow of milk. Make sure ur baby is close to you. Look at his mouth and under chin. His mouth should be cupping the aerola and the chin must be moving. This means the baby is sucking properly. It usually takes 10-15 days for mother and baby to get used to the latching process. If ur lo sleeps,tickle his ear lobs or under feet. Wake him up and he will strt sucking again 4) have plenty of liquids. One litre of milk. 3 ltrs of juice, soup, water. 5) feed feed feed more feed. As much as you can. First 15 min your lo gets water based milk which has all good things required for baby health. After 15 -20 min the thicker milk starts coming which helps in weight gain of the child. So if ur child is not gaining weight may be u would like to prolong the time of latching on. 6) u can feed lying down.. This will help u sleep n take rest. Do make sure u chk with ur pediac once before u start feeding lying down. Extra pointers ---
7) feeding between 12 am - 4am helps release hormones that regulate a babys sleeping pattern. All the more reason for u to feed at night.. 8) do not stop taking iron and calcium suppliments till atlest 6months-1 year as per ur gyno advise. 9) u lose upto 600 calories a day by just feeding ur baby. Grt way to get bck in shape !! if u tried all the above n you still think there is sunthing wrong meet a lactation consultation who can guide you well.
20 Apr 2017
princy khurana
glad u all liked it. <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5b61fbe551c9b438dddaa20d </b></font> can u tag someone who needs this info.
20 Apr 2017
Archana Gautam
very helpful
20 Apr 2017
sonam patel
good write helpful article.. 👍 <br>
thanks for tag <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
20 Apr 2017
Priya Sood
This is such a helpful share. So many moms struggle with feeding. Hope this helps all the new and expecting moms. <br>
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d56bf46822a001361f328 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @59b295be876b146ae257529c </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @61321b91c71eba0013440537 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d5263791e5a0013a04aa4 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d54748054f30013c57d07 </b></font>
princy khurana
20 Apr 2017