Most of the New Mommies want to get back in shape faster post their delivery but very few of us know about Importance of Kegel and Muscle strengthening exercises. We should target first on gaining Muscle strengths on Pelvic and Abdominal areas which becomes weak post delivery. Kegel exercises not only streghtens these areas but also tightens your abdomen and pelvis area which means no more loose abdominal pouch and less urine leakages. Highlighting the Correct recovery process below (Of course start with them after you get green signal from you Gynaecologist) Step 1- Perform Kegel exercises/Muscle strengthening Exercises (Pelvic Tilts, Deep Abdominal Breathing, Scissors)-Google the exercises or hit me up . Step 2- Cardio (Brisk walking for 30 mins should suffice ) Hope it helps New Mommies. Hit me up in case if Queries Note: I am not an expert but sharing my experiences which in turn can help New Mommies
Isha Pal
05 Oct 2018