Most of the women know breastfeeding is important. And most of the times the knowledge ends right there.

Many women have been struggling with lactation related issues.
Most women are usually taken by surprise by the number of times they have to feed their lil ones. Many wonder why no one explained them about it. While others may feel that no amount of knowledge would have prepared them.
Do I imply that breastfeeding is to be feared. No on the contrary. Breastfeeding is the first bonding between child & mother. How can it be anything but beautiful.

Formula feeding can no way substitute the benefits given by breastfeeding.
Among the uncountable benefits let me pen down a few for you
1. Breast milk has more then 200 nutrients which are important for

development of immunity of your baby

2 . It helps in prevention of different infections ( respiratory, urinary, ear)

3. It is more economical as well as more convenient then bottle.

4. Breast milk has HMO which feed the microbes in the babies gut (Which are transferred to the baby during natural birth from mother) These microbes who are already wordly wise, train baby gut microbes in terms of immunity (what to attack and what to not). HMO are not present in the formula milk.

5. By 6 month exclusive breastfeeding you are giving your a baby a good solid start.
But Yes exclusive breastfeeding does require a good family support. Here we need to spread the word so that families understand, that they need to offer their support to the women.
Women hardly ever forgets the day she gave birth. Rarely she forgets her breatfeeding journey. Women have been breastfeeding from ancient times instinctively.
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is the best gift you could give your baby.
Read good books, attend a child birth education class. Still if you find challenges during breastfeeding contact a experienced Lactational consultant.
With confidence and bit of a support and right knowledge make your life beautiful and give a good start to your parenting.

Because... breastfeeding is the starting of your beautiful journey called parenting. #drswetabajaj #breastfeeding #ammadudu #notoformula #drswetabajaj #lactationcounsaltationdelhi










Mahima Atishaya

So well written...also the mother's body prepares itself and the milk in exact requirements for the baby that's born....


