mother led weaning experience: my baby recently turned 2 so I wanted to wean him. we have been dream feeding since he was 3months old. he often fed multiple times at night and it started taking toll on my health. we somehow made it to 2 yr mark and I knew I had to wean him.
he understood the concept of dirty. so whatever he thinks is dirty he calls it ewww chi chi.. so all I had to do was tell him dudu (breast milk) chichi ho gaya. he cried a lot but refused to touch the breast any more. he cried for 3 days, me and his dad would rock him to sleep multiple times at night. he stopped mourning (yes the sight was totally heart breaking, I cried with him too) but he still could not sleep with out rocking or patting n often woke up at night. gradually things started settling down. it's one month today since his weaning, he goes to sleep on his own, though takes about an hr but finally sleeps through the night.
20 Jun 2016
Kanupriya Jain
bumping this <u>up</u>
03 Apr 2017
Priya Sood
Kudos to you mom. thank you for sharing. Thats great ti hear. Well done!!!!
Kanupriya Jain
03 Apr 2017