Mother tongue -- I've always wondered at the coinage since it is the father's family's dominant language that the child picks up quickest. However, the trends towards speaking in our national Language Hindi has grown manifold over last few years. Kids generally talk in Hindi and not in their own regional mother tongues. Perhaps it's easier,; perhaps inter community matches and couples make families prone to speak in Hindi. The reasons are many. However, this #InternationalMotherLanguageday ,; let's start with teaching our kids to atleast speak their mother language -- even if the mom and dad have different regional languages to boast. It's in fact better for a child to be fluent in multiple languages. I myself speak four languages fluently and even read/write in them. What's your take mommies?
21 Feb 2018
khushboo chouhan
21 Feb 2018
lavanyavathi bharathidasan
Good to know the <u>root</u>
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21 Feb 2018
Aditi Ahuja
Hi!!...I am Punjabi so know Hindi, English and Punjabi and am trying to teach my daughter all languages well..also we have been staying in Gujarat for long so she has started picking up that too..I don't know why people who speak Hindi are sometimes looked down upon by people who are fluent in English...English is an international language which we need to learn but why not be proud of our own mother tongue and regional languages too.. awesome literature and work has been done in them too.. movies in regional languages are so popular... also a japanese, Chinese or French will learn English but are proud <u>about</u> their own mother tongue. Let's raise our kids in a way that they learn to get connected with their roots!!
21 Feb 2018
Kritika Lall
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d910ec1b4770013bcfd1f </b></span> I studied btech from Hyderabad dear 😊
21 Feb 2018
Kritika Lall
@616d9066791e5a0013a088c7 so true..even I have a thing for roots yaar 👌 How much ever modern we become, we should not forget our roots 😊
khushboo chouhan
21 Feb 2018