Motherhood Bliss The day when I was told by the doctors that I am going to give born to twins for a very first time along with happiness there was fear and self doubt whether I will be able to conceive the two child at a time as I am short in height, will I be able to give them a secure life in my womb and in the outside world, whether I will be able to raise them properly. Suddenly so many questions started chirping inside the mind, contend with so many feelings at a time - love, joy, happiness, nervousness, financial stability to upbring two kids at a time and many more which cannot be expressed and can just be felt. But at time the words of my hubby that God gives us strength and especially to woman to rejoice the motherhood with compassion, firmness and toughness so no need to worry as kids bring their destiny along with them. His happiness that we will have two kids and the confidence that by God's grace everything will be fine convinced me also not to worry and enjoy the period of motherhood with lots of love and tenderness. So just wanna say pregnancy and motherhood is a gift to woman by God. So enjoy this period with lots of love and compassion.
Puja Begwani
19 Aug 2020