Motherhood is an overwhelming that has many ups and downs! People talk about pregnancy mood swings, but I feel the ride afterwards can also be bumpy. While for most of the time new found motherhood is full of warmth and love, the beautiful smell of a newborn and the giggles and laughter that come afterwards, there also are sleepless nights, a complete change around in schedule, responsibilities, and just a new you! And with it comes a whirlwind of emotions sometimes! Its tiring! And sometimes you just miss having a life with lesser responsibilities. And in that moment remember, its completly ok to feel overwhelmed, its ok to feel a little low. Being a mother doesn't mean that you can never have your lows, accepting them and overcoming them is important.
This picture was taken by Mohit when I was crying, I didn't realize when he entered the room and clicked it. These tears though weren't the low ones, I was just overwhelmed looking at Ekbir, thinking about how beautiful this phase is...And in those moments we were clicked, capturing those happy sweet tears forever!
So remember if its tears, let them come out....its not only your baby who can cry, you too can...have an outlet and accept the emotions because this journey ain't easy! #HappyMotherhood
Aditi Shirwaikar Malik
@additemalik #Repost#momslove#realexperience