My 11 month old baby likes everything I try to feed him but the problem is he can't have anything in thick consistency. Not even Khichdi or Dal Rice (Not even mashed because it becomes thick and of i add more water, it becomes tasteless) He pukes after 2..3 bites. Hence i can mostly feed him fruits or home made cerelac. My pediatrician suggested that its fine as some babies start eating at 1.5 or even at 2 years but i am still worried as i have seen most of the babies eating even chapati at this age. Please give your inputs.
Vishakha Solanki
18 Mar 2019
Vidya rathod
Vishakha instead of making puree or paste you can overcook so that you no need to add water. As baby is 11 months allow baby to self feed like put chapati, dosa , steamed veggies pieces in plate and encourage him to eat, like this he will start eating thick consistency food.
Vidya rathod
19 Mar 2019