Neha - baby's digestive system isnt developed to digest cow's milk! Pls stop cow's milk asap and consult ur dr. If not breastmilk baby should be given formula feed. Nothing else for first 6 months. 5 times in 10 mins is not normal. Pls go to ur pead at once and ensure baby doesnt get dehydrated. Pls tc and hope baby feels better soon. Do update us when u are back.
22 Jun 2018
Yaa i m in tnsn what should i give to baby because breastmilk is not available
22 Jun 2018
asha chaudhry
hi neha what is the pee count and poop count? is baby on bf or formula or combined feed? nothing to worry as small babies poop even 10 times a day. as long as baby is feeding well, sleeping well, gaining weight.
asha chaudhry
22 Jun 2018